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Field Trips

Journey Through the Aquatic Wonders

Did you know not all fish have scales? What about the fact that some sharks can go through approximately 30,000 teeth in their lifetime? Aquatic species have unique adaptations that help them survive in their environment.

Immerse your class in the aquatic wonders of the gulf and beyond with a field trip to Mississippi Aquarium. As your class explores our 5.8 acre campus, they'll be spellbound by the diverse habitats of the Mississippi River, Coastal Mississippi and beyond. Choose from either a self-guided exploration or book one of our instructor-led programs aligned with our state’s science standards. Our instructor-led field trips include classroom instruction.


Project SAIL

Mississippi Aquarium offers Project SAIL grant funds to Title I schools in Mississippi. This grant ensures diverse audiences, regardless of economic status, have an opportunity to participate in the Aquarium's on-site educational programs.

Mississippi Aquarium is currently accepting applications.
For more information and to apply, CLICK HERE.

Now Booking: Seasonal Field Trips

October 1 through November 4

Ocean Oddballs

L.K.1A, L.K.1B, L.K.3B, L.2.3A, L.2.3, L.3.4, L.3.4.2
L.6.3, BIO.5, BIO.5.5, ENV.1.4, ENV.1, FB.6, MAQ.3, MAQ.5, MAQ.7

This instructor-led lesson will focus on how the environment influences the physical and behavioral adaptations of many animals that inhabit the ocean. Students will use critical thinking to assess what factors influence the animals to look and behave in 'abnormal' ways.

November 4 through February 3

Cold Critters

E.K.8A, E.1.9A, L.2.3A1, L.3.4
K-ESS3, K-ESS3.C, 3-LS2-1, 3-LS4, 3-ESS2-1, 3-ESS3-1

Winter is here and that means cold weather and puffy jackets! But how do animals cope with these chilly times? Come learn about cold critters and the adaptations that help them survive. Students will analyze why the Earth goes through seasons, arrange animals by their winter responses, and role-play as critters coping with climate change.

Instructor-Led Curriculum

Foundations & Instruction in Natural Sciences (FINS) Grades K-5

Life Cycles: Turtle Treasures

L.K.2, L.1.2, L.2.2
Students will investigate the life cycles of living organisms and identify the different forms organisms may take during the stages of the life cycle.

Natural Resources: Earth Energy

E.3.10, E.4.10, E.5.10
Students will identify the differences between renewable and nonrenewable resources. They will understand the importance of sustainability and conserving Earth’s natural resources.

Physical Structures: Shark Secrets

L.K.1B, L.2.1
Students will identify and describe animal body parts as it relates to their sensory organs. They will understand the classification of animals based on physical characteristics.

Food Webs: Food Finders

Students will obtain and evaluate scientific information regarding the characteristics of different ecosystems and the organisms they support. They will discuss how organisms are related in food webs.

Adaptions: Cool Camo

Students will discuss the physical and behavioral adaptations that allow plants and animals to grow and survive in specific environments amid habitat change.

Stem Enriching Activities in Schools (SEAS) Grades 6-8

Taxonomy: Mollusk Mayhem

L.6.4, L.8.4B
Students will demonstrate the use of a dichotomous key to classify organisms based on the characteristics of the Kingdoms.

Ecology: Croc Companions

L.6.3, L.7.3, L.8.4A
Students will describe the relationships between biotic and abiotic factors in relation to survival.

Future Innovators in Research, Science and Technology (FIRST) Grades 9-12

Water Quality: Water Wellness

ENV.2, MAQ.1
Students will examine various indicators of water quality and describe the effects of pollution on human and non-human consumption.

Symbiosis & Limiting Factors: Rich Relationships

BIO.5, ENV.1
Students will apply knowledge and understanding of symbiosis and investigate ecological succession using real-world examples.

Human Impact: Future Footprints

ENV.2, ENV.4
Students will formulate solutions to minimize the impact of human activities on the environment. They will study conservation initiatives and participate in efforts to restore ecosystems.

Self-Guided Curriculum

Foundations and Instructions in Natural Sciences (FINS) Grades K-5

Alive and Thrive

Students will understand the difference between living and nonliving things and find examples at Mississippi Aquarium.

Healthy Homes

E.4.9c, E.4.10
Students will learn about the various sources of energy used for human needs and investigate their effectiveness and impacts. Students will also investigate the adaptations of animals at Mississippi Aquarium.

Amazing Adaptations

Students will learn how animals are affected by their environment and how adaptations can help animals survive. Students will investigate the adaptations of animals at Mississippi Aquarium.

Circle of Life

Students will understand what makes up a healthy ecosystem and investigate the ecosystems at Mississippi Aquarium. Students will also learn about how animals are connected using food webs, while relating that to the animals at Mississippi Aquarium.

Making Sense

Students will investigate the senses of animals and relate this to their own senses. Students will use their senses and observations to gain information about the exhibits at Mississippi Aquarium

Stem Enriching Activities in Schools (SEAS) Grades 6-8

Hidden Hands

Students will investigate evidence for common ancestry through learning about and comparison of homologous structures found in animals at Mississippi Aquarium.

Needy Neighbors

Students will investigate organizations of ecosystems and how abiotic and biotic environmental changes can affect animal populations. Students will also learn about how animals are connected using food webs, while relating that to the animals at Mississippi Aquarium.

Climate Curriculum

Students will analyze and discuss real evidence regarding sources of greenhouse gas accumulation. Students will investigate how changes to habitats as a result of climate change may affect animal populations.

Future Innovators in Research, Science and Technology (FIRST) Grades 9-12

Brown to Blue: Down the Bayou

MAQ.3, MAQ.4
Students will learn about the aquatic habitats present at the Aquarium while taking them on a journey from the brown freshwater habitats to the blue Gulf of Mexico.

Probing the Population Puzzle

BIO.5, ENV.1, FB 6
Students will learn about population growth and utilize graphical representations to understand limiting factors that affect growth.

Zoology: Connecting the Critters

ZOO.1, ZOO.7, ZOO.8, ZOO.9, ZOO.10
Students will learn to identify key characteristics of animal classes and how those characteristics inform about the relatedness of animals through construction and analysis of cladograms.

Field Trip Request

Please complete the following form to request a field trip to Mississippi Aquarium. A Mississippi Aquarium representative will contact you with more information.

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Program Information

Type of Field Trip Select One
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Second Choice

Project SAIL

Mississippi Aquarium offers Project SAIL grant funds to Title I schools in Mississippi. This grant ensures diverse audiences, regardless of economic status, have an opportunity to participate in the Aquarium's on-site educational programs.

Mississippi Aquarium is currently accepting applications.
For more information and to apply, CLICK HERE.
For inquiries or additional information, please contact Sarah Fisher, Education Sales Coordinator,
at (228)241-1218 or via email at fieldtrips@msaquarium.org.

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